Dr. Wrenn’s full list of publications is available here.
Wrenn, C. L. 2021. Animals in Irish Society: Interspecies Oppression and Vegan Liberation in Ireland’s First Colony. New York: SUNY Press.
Wrenn, C. L. 2019. Piecemeal Protest: Animal Rights in the Age of Nonprofits. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press. DOI: 10.3998/mpub.11301441.
Wrenn, C. L. 2016. A Rational Approach to Animal Rights: Extensions in Abolitionist Theory. London, UK: Palgrave Macmillan. DOI: 10.1057/9781137434654.
Book Chapters
Wrenn, C. L. 2024. “Selling Veganism in the Age of COVID: Vegan Representation in British Newspapers in 2020.” Pp. 104-118, in Human-Animal Relationships in Times of Pandemic and Climate Crises, J. Browne and Z. Sutton (Eds.). London: Routledge. DOI: 10.4337/9781800881136.00019.
Wrenn, C. L. 2022. “Society Writings.” Pp. 333-348, in The Edinburgh Companion to Vegan Literary Studies, L Wright and E. Quinn (Eds.). Edinburgh: University of Edinburgh Press.
Wrenn, C. L. 2022. “Veganism.” Pp. 128-130, in Preconceived: Challenging the Perceptions in Our Lives, Z. Mednick (Ed). Self-published.
Wrenn, C. L. 2021. “Vegan Geographies in Ireland.” Pp. 394-406, in The Routledge Handbook of Vegan Studies, edited by L. Wright. London: Routledge.
Wrenn, C. L. 2017. “Toward a Vegan Feminist Theory of the State.” Pp. 201-230, in Animal Oppression and Capitalism, edited by D. Nibert. Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger Press.
Wrenn, C. L. 2015. “Human Supremacy, Post-Speciesist Ideology, and the Case for Anti-Colonialist Veganism.” Pp. 55-70, in Animals in Human Society, edited by D. L. Moorehead. Lanham, MD: University Press of America/Hamilton Books.
Wrenn, C. L. 2015. “The Weight of Veganism.” Pp. 164-165, in The Vegan Studies Project: Food, Animals, and Gender in the Age of Terror, edited by Laura Wright. Athens, GA: The University of Georgia Press.
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
Wrenn, C. L. 2020. “Free-Riders in the Nonprofit Industrial Complex: The Problem of Flexitarianism.” Society & Animals 26 (4): 567-591. DOI: 10.1163/15685306-12341544.
Wrenn, C. L. and A. Lizardi. 2020. “Older, Greener, and Wiser: Charting the Experiences of Older Women in the American Vegan Movement.” Journal of Women & Aging33 (6): 653-675. Online first. DOI: 10.1080/08952841.2020.1749501.
Wrenn, C. L. 2019. “The Vegan Society and Social Movement Professionalization, 1944-2017.” Food and Foodways 27 (3): 190-210. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/07409710.2019.1646484
Wrenn, C. L. 2018. “How to Help When It Hurts? Think Systemic.” Animal Studies Journal 7 (1): 149-179.
Wrenn, C. L. 2017. “Trump Veganism: A Political Survey of American Vegans in the Era of Identity Politics.” Societies 7 (4): 32. DOI: 0.3390/soc7040032.
Wrenn, C. L. 2017. “Fat Vegan Politics: A Survey of Fat Vegan Activists’ Online Experiences with Social Movement Sizeism.” Fat Studies 6 (1): 90-102. DOI: 10.1080/21604851.2017.1242359.
Wrenn, C. L. 2017. “Skeptics and the ‘White Stuff’: Promotion of Cows’ Milk and Other Nonhuman Animal Products in the Skeptic Community as Normative Whiteness.” Relations: Beyond Anthropocentrism 5 (1): 73-81.
Wrenn, C. L. 2015. “The Land of Meat and Potatoes? Exploring Ireland’s Vegan and Vegetarian Foodscape.” Preprint, DOI: 10.31235/osf.io/t83yg
Wrenn, C. L. 2013. “Nonhuman Animal Rights, Alternative Food Systems, and the Non-Profit Industrial Complex.” Phaenex: Journal of Existential and Phenomenological Theory and Culture 8 (2): 209-242. DOI: 10.22329/p.v8i2.4093.
Wrenn, C. L. 2013. “The Role of Professionalization Regarding Female Exploitation in the Nonhuman Animal Rights Movement.” Journal of Gender Studies 24 (2): 131-146. DOI: 10.1080/09589236.2013.806248.
Wrenn, C. L. and R. Johnson. 2013. “A Critique of Single-Issue Campaigning and the Importance of Comprehensive Abolitionist Vegan Advocacy.” Food, Culture & Society 16 (4): 651-668. DOI: 10.2752/175174413X13758634982092.
Wrenn, C. L. 2013. “Resonance of Moral Shocks in Abolitionist Animal Rights Advocacy: Overcoming Contextual Constraints.” Society & Animals 21 (4): 379-394. DOI: 10.1163/15685306-12341271.
Wrenn, C. L. 2011. “Resisting the Globalization of Speciesism: Vegan Abolitionism as a Site for Consumer-Based Social Change.” Journal for Critical Animal Studies 9(3): 9-27.
Book Reviews
Wrenn, C. L. 2024. “Advancing Veganism in a ‘Post-Vegan Society’: A Review of Veganism: Politics, Practice, and Theory.” Society & Animals Journal 32 (3): 329-331. DOI: 10.1163/15685306-bja10160.
Wrenn, C. L. 2020. “Breaking the Spell: A Critique of Intersectionality and Veganism in Anti-Racist Activism.” Society & Animals 28: 327-330.
Wrenn, C. L. 2020. “Can Choice Feminism Advance Vegan Politics.” Society & Animals 28: 101-104. DOI: 10.1163/15685306-00001962.
Wrenn, C. L. 2019. “Black Veganism and the Animality Politic.” Society & Animals 27: 127-131. DOI: 10.1163/15685306-12341578.
Wrenn, C. L. 2018. “Mobilizing Food: A Review of Building Nature’s Market.” Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development 8 (3): 207-211. DOI: 10.5304/jafscd.2018.083.010.
Wrenn, C. L. 2017. “Review. Breeze Harper. 2014. Scars: A Black Lesbian Experience in Rural White New England. Sense Publishers.” Feminist Spaces 3 (1): 124-126.
Wrenn, C. L. 2016. “Review of Our Children and Other Animals.” Between the Species 19 (1): 2010-2014.
Conference Presentations
Wrenn, C. L. 2024. “Animal Anxieties: Vegan Discourse in Making and Unmaking of Postcolonial Ireland.” International Association of Vegan Sociologists Annual Meeting. October 6.
Wrenn, C. L. 2023. “What is Vegan Sociology?” Total Liberation: The Case for Vegan Sociology. University of Essex. June 1.
Wrenn, C. L. 2022. “Selling Veganism in the Age of COVID: Vegan Representation in British Newspapers in 2020.” 2022. International Association of Vegan Sociologists Annual Meeting. October 8.
Wrenn, C. L. 2022. “Animals in Irish Society.” Vegan Studies Network Seminar Series. May 25.
Wrenn, C. L. 2022. “Vegan Ecofeminism.” Doing Global Gender, Perspectives on Gender and Re-Globalization, Center for Advanced Studies – EURAC Research. May 5.
Wrenn, C. L. 2022. “What is Vegan Sociology?” On the Pulse Seminar Series, The Vegan Society, April 26.
Wrenn, C. L. 2022. “A Sociology of Vegan Mobilization.” Veganism and Vegetarianism as Social Movement and Social Change, University of York. April 11.
Wrenn, C. L. 2022. “Gaelic Vegetarianism and Veganism & Colonial Resistance.” Food History Seminar Series, Institute of Historical Research, Online. February 10.
Wrenn, C. L. 2022. “Gaelic Veganism and Irish Animal Rights.” Talks for a Compassionate Future, Animal Rebellion Ireland, Online. January 18.
Wrenn, C. L. 2021. “Vegan Food Culture.” Northeast Popular and American Culture Association, Online, October 23.
Wrenn, C. L. 2021. “V-Rated: Sexualization as a Mechanism of Food Justice Depoliticization.” Food & Food Systems in a time of Insecurity. British Sociological Association Food Study Group Conference, Online. June 22.
Wrenn, C. L. 2021. “What is Vegan Sociology?.” Department of Philosophy and Cultural Heritage Seminar Series. Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Online. April 9.
Wrenn, C. L. 2021. “Our Relationship to Our Current Food System.” Jameson Humane Workshop. Online. February 17.
Wrenn, C. L. 2019. “Building a Vegan Feminist Network in the Professionalized Digital Age of Third Wave Animal Activism.” American Sociological Association Annual Meeting. New York City, NY. August 12.
Wrenn, C. L. 2019. “Resisting Rape Culture in Animal Rights Activism.” Kent Vegan Festival. Canterbury, UK. May 4.
Wrenn, C. L. 2018. “The Land of Meat and Potatoes? Animal Agriculture and Veganism in the Irish Discourse.” Thinking about Animals. St. Catharines, ON. March 2.
Wrenn, C. L. 2016. “Fat Vegan Politics: The Hyper-Visibility and Invisibility of Vegans of Size in Online Activist Spaces.” Gender, Bodies & Technology. Roanoke, VA. April 22.
Wrenn, C. L. 2023. “Can We ‘Have Our Cow and Eat Her, Too?’” The Vegan Society, Research News, April 17.
Wrenn, C. L. 2018. “Trump Veganism? Research Finds a Highly Intersectional American Vegan Movement.” Animals and Society Newsletter Spring: 3.
Wrenn, C. L. 2016. “Unpacking Privilege in Vegan Education Efforts.” The Vegan Society.
Wrenn, C. L. 2015. “Vegan Policing the Vegan Woman.” The Feminist Wire.
Wrenn, C. L. 2014. “Getting Your Foot In the Door.” Chickpea Magazine, Spring.
Wrenn, C. L. 2013. “Health Benefits of Veganism.” VegFund Blog.
Wrenn, C. L. 2013. “Positively Engaging Your Non-Vegan Family.” VegFund Blog.
Wrenn, C. L. 2013. “The Power of Peaceful Activism.” VegFund Blog.
Wrenn, C. L. 2013. “Veganism and the Environment.” VegFund Blog.
Wrenn, C. L. 2013. “The Sexual Politics of Veganism.” Pacific Standard.
Wrenn, C. L. 2013. “The Sexual Politics of Veganism.” Sociological Images.
Nibert, D., C. Wrenn, and C. Glasser. 2012. “Animal Exploration.” American Sociological Association Footnotes.
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