Full List of Essays
Advancing Veganism in a “Post-Vegan Society”: A Review of Veganism: Politics, Practice, and Theory
A History of The Vegan Society
The Animal Sentience Bill and Animal Nationalism in Post-Brexit Britain
Appropriating Anti-Slavery Abolitionism in Anti-Speciesism Claimsmaking
Are Vegans too Open to Free-Riders?
A Vegan Feminist Response to Nonhumans First
Alternative Medicine, Vivisection, and Scientific Racism
Animal Abolitionism, a 19th Century Holdover
Are Teddy Bears Vegan? President Roosevelt and the SPCA
Atheists and Agnostics Largest ‘Religious’ Demographic in Animal Rights
Banning Live Export in Australia
Black Veganism and the Animality Politic
Brexit, Dog-knapping, and Otherized Dogs of the EU
Britain’s Rental Pet Policy and What It Means for Nonhuman Animals
Can a Meat Tax Advance Animal Rights?
Can Choice Feminism Advance Vegan Politics?
Can Flexitarianism Facilitate a Vegan World? Research Suggests Another Agenda
Cannibalism and the Human/Nonhuman Border in Polar Exploration
Can Veganism Save Your Life? I’m Skeptical
Can Veganism Save the World? This is Hope
Can We “Have Our Cow and Eat Her, Too?”
Civilizing Horses and Travellers in Post-Colonial Ireland
Colonizing England and the Naming of Animals
Could Fat-Shaming and Health-Shaming Encourage Veganism?
Derren Does Dairy: When Skepticism Fails Veganism
Do You Know the Most Common Mistake in Animal Activism?
Eating Vegan vs. Being Vegan: The Vegan Society and Depoliticized Capitalist Campaigning
Explorers Race to the Poles, Animals Lose
The Extraordinary Monks of Skellig Michael and the Human/Nonhuman Boundary in Early Ireland
Fat Vegan Politics: Why Health-Shaming, Body-Policing, and Fat Stigma Hurts Humans and Other Animals
The Fetishization of “Animal-Friendly” Animal Products
Gender and Victorian Animal Advocacy
Ghost Stories Tell Us a Lot about Animals in Human Society
Grill Power: Feminism in Men’s Meat Market
How Dawn Saves Wildlife While Killing Other Animals En Masse
How Do I Positively Engage My Non-Vegan Family?
How Effective is the Vegan Lecture? Exam Scores Tell a Horrifying Story
If You Care about Animals, In-Vitro Meat is Not the Answer
Irish Car Bombs aren’t Cruelty-Free, but Not for the Reasons You Would Expect
Irish Vegan Feminism: Intersections of Sexism, Speciesism, and Resistance in Postcolonial Ireland
Is Nudity a Prerequisite for Vegan Women’s Strength?
Is Sociology Ready to Take Animals Seriously Now?
Is This What Vegan Looks Like?
Mainstreaming Veganism: Full Interview with Imagine5
My Dog is Just a Dog: On Breedism and Ideations of Purity
On Moral Relativism and Animal Liberation
Pandemic Purchasing: Keep Animals Out of Your Shopping Cart
Piecemeal Protest: Animal Rights in the Age of Nonprofits
PETA, Dahmer, and Intersectional Failure
PETA & Papa John’s Team Up Against Animals
Plant-based Catering at the University of Kent
Pussy Grabs Back: How Feminists Bestialized Politics but Failed Nonhuman Animals
Peter Singer and the Charity of Western Imperialism
Racism as Zoological Witchcraft
Rape as an Anti-Speciesism Tactic and the Vegan Male Discourse
Rebuilding and Reusing Rescue Dogs
Research Challenges the Emotionality of Anti-Speciesist Thought
Neuroscience Explains Vegan Commitment to Nonvegan Companies
New Package, Same Old Problem: Animal Crackers and Veganism
Save the Lambs! Why I Reject Antioch College’s Lethal Lamb-killing Classroom ‘Experiment’
Science was a Founding Principle of the Vegan Movement
Selling Cancer to Beat Cancer? When Nonvegan Foods Go Pink for Profit
Sexism in Animal Advocacy: The Case of Foie Gras
Should Vegans Be Organ Donors?
Society Writings: Veganism Made Real in Print
Sociology of Childless Cat Ladies
Solving Moral Conflicts in a Non-Vegan World
Study Shows Objectified Women Less Likely to be Activists
Ten Years Later, Veganism More Popular, but Less Political
The “Deserted Island” Vegan Scenario is a Reality for Millions
The EU Ban on Cosmetic Testing and the Problem with Single-Issue Campaigns
The “No-Means-Yes” Rape Trope in PETA Pornography
The Nonprofit Bias: Research For Nonprofits By Nonprofits
The Only Vegan in the Department: Science, Anti-Veganism, and the Illusion of Objectivity
The Politics of the Pure Vegan Myth
The Problem with Milk Not Jails
The Rationalization of Misogyny: Why I left the Vegan Skeptic Community
The Surprising History of John Harvey Kellogg and His War on “Meat”
Third-Wave Vegan Feminism and Feminist Animal Studies
The Thug Kitchen Cookbook and the Problem of Vegan Blackface
The White Privilege in Vegan Moral Superiority
Trump Veganism? Research Finds a Highly Intersectional American Vegan Movement
Un-naming the Enslaved: Names, Identity, & Speciesism
Unnecessarily Gendered Vegan Food
V-Rated: Sexualization as a Mechanism of Food Justice Depoliticization
Veganism “At All Costs” Hurts Animals
Vegan Ethics and the Case for Black Widow Spiders
Vegan Halloween: Remembering the Dead
Vegan Protest is Ritualized, but is it Religious?
Vegan Sausage Rolls are Resisting the Brexit
Veganism and Alternative Facts
Veganism and the Problem of Cultural Diversity
What Adoption Discrimination Tells Us about Human/Nonhuman Intersections
What Are You Doing to Help Animals Right NOW?
What Black Lives Matter Can Teach White Vegans
What Sociology Can Tell Us about Empathy for Animals
When White Makes Right: Racism, Neo-Colonialism, and Single-Issue Campaigns
White Women Wanted? Research Uncovers Diversity Strains in Vegan Media Spaces
Why are Environmentalists and Animal Activists at an Empasse?
Why Can’t We All Just Get Along? Factionalism in Animal Rights
Why Food Justice is a Feminist Issue
Why I’m Giving Beyoncé’s Vegan Campaign a Chance
Why Vegans Don’t Wear “Leather”
Women and Vegan Civil Resistance
You Won’t Believe This Shocking Whole Foods “Healthcare” Policy
Zoos as Colonial Legacies of Injustice
World Vegan Month Series 2018: Social Psychology
Happy People are Helping People
Identification Leads to Empathy
Socioemotional Selectivity Theory
World Vegan Month Series 2017: Social Psychology
World Vegan Month Series 2016: Vegan Research
An Empirical Look at Becoming Vegan
Entanglements of Oppression and Liberation
Manhood and the Exploitation of Animals
Race as a “Feeble Matter” in Veganism
Readability of Vegan Outreach Literature
Recruiting Strangers and Friends
Sexist Imagery Reinforces Speciesist Sentiment
The Hidden History of Animal Resistance
The History and Legacy of Animal Rights
The Myth of Pet Overpopulation
The Political Economy of Animal Rights
The Significance of Animal Suffering